Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis Software: AUTOGOJA

AutoGOJA Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis > How to Assemble a Job Expert Panel

How to Assemble a Good Subject Matter Expert (SME or Job Expert) Panel

A job analysis consists of a thorough analysis of the job duties and knowledges, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics (KSAPCs) required for success in a certain position. Job experts or subject matter experts are qualified job incumbents who perform, train, or supervise persons employed in the target position. The following criteria are presented as guidelines for selecting good subject matter experts for a job analysis panel. The job experts chosen should:

Collectively represent the demographics of the employee population (with respect to gender, age, race, years of experience, etc.). It is a good idea to slightly over-sample gender and ethnic groups to insure adequate representation in the job expert panel for the job analysis process.

Be experienced and active in the position they represent (e.g., job experts should not be on probationary status or temporarily assigned to the position). While seasoned job experts will often have a good understanding of the position, it is also beneficial to include relatively inexperienced job experts to integrate the "newcomer's perspective." However, at least one-year job experience should be a baseline requirement for job experts selected for the job expert panel.

Include between 10% and 20% supervisors for a given position. For example, if a seven-to-ten-person job experts panel is used, include one to two supervisors on the SME panel.

Represent the various "functional areas" and/or shifts of the position. Many positions have more than one division or "work area" or even different shifts where job duties and KSAPCs may differ. Being certain to gather job experts from all functional areas will help to ensure that the job analysis is representative of the position and functionally productive.

AutoGOJA Job Analysis Software is a hosted software solution that automates many steps necessary to complete a traditional job analysis.

The GOJA Manual is a manual (paper and pencil) solution that leads that leads an HR practician through the steps necessary to complete a traditional job analysis. Organizations opting to perform a manual job analysis may download our free Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis form. This 99-page job analysis booklet is free to download, print and use (without modification) for any number of job analyses.

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Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis (GOJA™)
, Biddle Consulting Group's highly respected and legally tested job analysis process is now a fully functional and extremely powerful online job analysis system.

Designed to address the requirements of the federal Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures the 1991 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), AutoGOJA will help employers collect the information necessary to defend their testing, selection, and compensation practices.

AutoGOJA is designed specifically for the human resource professional who needs to conduct the most legally defensible job analysis in a fast and efficient manner.

AutoGOJA Job Analysis Software Features:
.   Easily create custom job analysis surveys by typing your own task or KSA statements right into the system or import lists of tasks or KSAs from any popular word processing or spreadsheet software.
.   Launch the survey by automatically sending a "link" to your subject matter experts or simply by copying the link into any browser.
.   The survey can be completed as part of a facilitated group meeting in a computer lab or the link can be distributed wherever employees work to ensure adequate geographic, shift, gender and ethnic representation in the job analysis sample.


Easily complete linkages between knowledge, skill or abilities and the duties on the job.
.   Generate summary reports that will document those job duties that are critical to job performance as well as the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are both critical and which are required at entry to the job.
.   Generate a selection matrix or exam plan automatically.

Questions? If you have questions regarding AutoGOJA, please email your inquiries to or call us at (800) 999-0438. We are happy to assist and your questions and comments are always welcome!

Additional Resources. We have assembled the following websites to help serve the human resources community with all of their software, consulting and services needs.

BCG Public Sector HR Solutions Provider: Personnel Recruitment, Assessment, and Selection Services

Biddle Consulting Group (BCG) is able to provide your agency with the same technically sophisticated, high quality, and cost-effective personnel related products and services that they provide to many of America 's largest and most respected companies.

website: Public Sector HR Solutions Provider
phone: 800.999.0438

Biddle Public Sector Consulting Services

TestGenius Skill & Ability Testing:

TestGenius OPAC is software that tests job applicants for critical skills & abilities necessary for success in today's complex -- and stressful -- office environment. TestGenius is an affordable tool that can be used again and again. TestGenius software measures critical skills & abilities in a modern, job-related manner. Don't rely on written tests to simulate the office environment.

website: Online Skill & Ability Testing
phone: 800.999.0438


TestGeniusOPAC Office & Software Skill & Ability Test

CritiCall 911 Dispatcher/Calltaker Testing Software: Dispatcher, Calltaker, and Telecommunicator Pre-Employment Testing Software

Research indicates that 80% of newly-hired telecommunicators who leave before the end of their probation do so because they had inadequate job-related knowledge, skills and abilities. CritiCall is software that tests applicants for critical skills & abilities necessary for success in today's complex -- and stressful -- dispatching environment.

website: 911 & EMS Dispatcher/Calltaker Testing
phone: 800.999.0438 x.124 or 139
916.294.4250 x.124 or 139


CritiCall for Contact Centers (C4):

Created for the high-stress 911 call taker environment, C4 has now been adapted for use in commercial contact centers. While the nature of commercial contact center calls may not be of the life-or-death variety, if you are a call center manager, they are no less important to you. Improve the quality and performance of your organization by selecting employees who possess the critical skills and abilities necessary for success in the commercial contact center environment.

website: Commercial Contact Center Skill Testing
phone: 800.999.0438


Contact Center Skill & Ability Testing Software

Biddle Consulting Group Human Resources Solutions:

Established in 1974, Biddle Consulting Group (BCG) is a human resources consulting firm specializing in Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) litigation support, Affirmative Action (AA), test validation and development, and cutting-edge software. This narrow focus allows us to provide consulting services and software with a high level of competency and expertise that benefits our clients, our company, and the industry we serve.

website: Biddle Human Resource Solutions
phone: 800.999.0438


Biddle Consulting Group Human Resources Solutions